Determined not to be caught out as quite the novice again this week; I came prepared with muesli (or granola) bar, mosquito repellent, salt, sunscreen and some water (which I promptly finished drinking moments before arrival at the starting line...)
I might not have given it quite enough emphasis in my earlier post. The last Hash was leech infested, with one of the holding points being skipped entirely due to the fact that it was in fact, a leech farm. An infestation, I will clarify, I actually mean it was like taking a bath amongst the things. At one point in climbing I looked down to see my entire hand covered in blood*. I never saw the leech, whose presence at the time was assumed, but without hard evidence I am now not prepared to rule out CIA involvement.
On Saturday we started at Peter's house. Interestingly enough, the guy had been conned into joining this week for the first time, because he had a beautiful house with a lovely Tibetan family who made us all momos (mmmm mo mo).

So off we trotted, getting lost in the first 50 metres, but eventually finding our way into the middle of the rice fields. I have never been amongst rice fields (as far as I can recollect) and found the way quite hard going. When you are trying to run on a little ledge not much wider than your foot, with someone's crops dropping down 1-2 feet on either side of you in rather muddy water, you would think it's hard going too.
The occaisional calls of "How ARE you?" and its associated responses of "I don't really know" and "ON-ON!" signifying the presence of the Hash trail, would ring around the rice fields, particularly funny when you couldn't see any of your colleagues.
There was one brilliant moment where the 30 runners found themselves spread across three seperate little ridges that made me wish I had my camera. We were weaving in and out of rice patties and jumping up and down hills inbetween little creeks. I was equally glad I didn't have my camera during a river crossing and a seperate Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom style moment where one girl's leg when straight through the bamboo bridge.
Bring on next week.
* Actual scale of incident: not quite as bad as the Ice Skating Eye Gash of 1999, worse than the Crazy Pressure Hose incident in Colorado, and not quite as terrifying as the Amazing Assassination Attempt of January 2005.
** Note sarcasm
you are a madman and I lost your train of thought early on.
ReplyDeleteWhat is hashing exactly. Explain!
dwnjaearly on in the blog? or early in this post?
ReplyDeleteHashing is the activity that the group the Himalayan Hash House Harriers do every Saturday. 2 dude go out early in the morning and leave a trail of shredded paper (or flour or whatever they can get their hands on). They lay false trails and generally go places where you wouldn't expect people to be running.
At 3 in the afternoon the rest of us meet and try to follow the trail, afterwards getting terribly tipsy on the chemical loaded local beers., while chatting and singing silly songs.
Hashing is done all over the world. Stick it iunto google and see what you get.
click on the link "Trash 1555" in the left pane, and you'll see photos of me in action!
ReplyDeletethere are hundreds in Brisbane. This is AWESOME!!!!!